Henrietta MacPhee is a British ceramic artist (b.1985, London). She graduated with a Diploma in Fine Art and Ceramics from CityLit in 2017. Her work stems from exploring the exotic. Through a fresh child-like perspective of the world, she portrays social scenes of poetic tenderness and humour. In her work she interweaves metaphors for embracing life’s diversity of peoples and their cultures. It is playful, representing an innocent yet thought provoking relationship with the material form.
MacPhee’s artistic practise is centred in ceramics. She models and carves the clay by hand and paints with slips and glazes to achieve bright fresh looking surfaces that are rich, diverse and tangible. In her current work she aims to transcend the border between 2D and 3D, producing pieces on a larger scale with interactive ceramic elements. Where painting collides with the – real world – and ceramic objects melt into dreams and imagination. Aspiring to be a painterly Lewis Carroll, creating a ‘wonderland for adults’, windows into worlds where anything is possible and where there is magic in the mundane. In changing perspective and by liberating familiar things from their normal roles, she feels the appreciation of our world is enhanced.
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