Congratulations to the finalists of The Potclays New and Emerging Makers Award (in association with Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Institute)
Henrietta MacPhee
Eusebio Sanchez
Kim Colebrook
Micaela Schoop
Each finalist will give a presentation at the Festival and also exhibit some of their work.
One of the finalists will be awarded the Potclays and ICF New and Emerging Makers International Visiting Artist Award 2019 which will take place at the Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute in China between April and May or September and November 2020.
The Potclays New and Emerging Makers Award began in 2011. It is an opportunity for UK potters and artists working with clay, who have graduated within the past five years, to give a short presentation and exhibit their work at the 2019 International Ceramics Festival.
Four makers will be selected to make presentations at the festival (Powerpoint presentation). The content of these presentations will focus on their current work and how this might develop during an International Visiting Artist scheme. The presentations will last 15 minutes each (including a Q&A session).
All finalists will have a profile on the ICF website and we recommend they also have a website or blog to link to. All four finalists will continue to receive support from the ICF in terms of publicising their activities across ICF social media in the interim Festival year at least.
The four finalists will also be asked to bring a selection of their work to participate in the Emerging Maker’s exhibition during the weekend. All finalists will be given a weekend ticket and accommodation at the 2019 International Ceramics Festival.
Potclays will offer each finalist 12 months of discounts, an interview published on the Potclays website, and ongoing social and digital media support e.g. on request, press releases for their news and events published in their monthly email newsletter and social shares.
One of the finalists will be awarded the Potclays and ICF New and Emerging Makers International Visiting Artist Award 2019 which will take place at the Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute in China between April and May or September and November 2020.
Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Institute was the first place in China to accept international ceramic artists from all over the world. Since 1998, over 800 artists and potters have been to Sanbao to take part in residencies. We maintain all the traditional lifestyle and craft techniques, we accept all kind of artists to come and explore their ideas.
Applications for ICF 2019 are now closed. The competition will reopen in 2020 for ICF 2019.
Applicants must be over 18 years of age and based in the UK. They must have graduated from a UK university or institute of Higher Education within the past 5 years, this includes students who will graduate by July 2019.
The Application Process:
Applicants will be asked to send in a copy of their presentation with notes plus one A4 sheet describing a project that they would like to complete during their stay with the international organisation.
The Selection Process:
Once all applications for the competition have been received the ICF selection panel will select the finalists. The selection panel will be made up of: Potclays representatives, ICF Directors, Wenying Li, Program Director, Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute.
The winner of the Potclays and ICF New and Emerging Makers International Visiting Artist Award 2019 will be selected based on their full submission & the work they display during the ICF weekend where the public will also be able to contribute towards the voting.
The selection is based on the following criteria:
1. The standard and scope of the applicants work.
2. The work, exhibition and other activities the applicant has been involved in since finishing education.
3. The potential of the applicant to capitalise on future opportunities that may be create by this scheme and potential future career developments.
4. The merit of the proposed project the applicant will work on during their stay with the international organisation.
This will be a 3 week placement and will take place between April and May or September and November 2020 at the Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute.
Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute will provide:
• studio space
• materials
• firing
• three meals a day
• a room with public bathroom
(The winner can upgrade their accommodation to a room with private bathroom or extend their stay beyond 3 weeks at their own expense).
The International Ceramics Festival will provide:
• The cost of an economy return air-flight from an airport in the UK to Shanghai
• The cost of one night’s accommodation in Shanghai for travel each way.
• The cost of the transfer from Shanghai to Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute and return.
Potclays will provide:
• £200 voucher for supplies from Potclays LTD.
• Emerging Maker’s award piece
• Framed certificate.
The award winner will be expected to work on their proposed project during their stay at the Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute. During the residency they may be asked to give a talk about their work to other artists. They may also hold an open studio at the end of the period or be asked to participate in an exhibition.
The Ceramics Festival also requests that the award winner gives a lecture at the 2021 festival about their stay at the Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute and how their work has developed since. This will help to promote the scheme to potential applicants in future years. The ICF agrees to provide accommodation and a ticket to the 2021 Festival.
Evaluation and Report on the Award:
The Ceramics Festival requests that the award winner provides regular progress updates during their stay at the Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute which will be posted on the ICF, Potclays and Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute social media sites to promote the collaboration and visiting artist scheme. The winner is also expected to write a regular online blog about the residency.
After the festival the award winner is requested to write a report about the award providing details of how this helped/influenced their work. An electronic copy of this will be made available (with the award winners agreement) for the ICF website.
March 2019: Emerging Makers Award and Visiting Artist Scheme applications open
30th April 2019: Closing date for applications for Emerging Makers Award
13th May 2019: Four Makers chosen to give presentations and exhibit at the festival.
July 2019: Award winner selected at Festival 05th -07th July 2019
Before January 2021: Award winner completes residency at the Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute.
This award is supported by Potclays LTD, Jingdezhen Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute, and the Arts Council of Wales.
In association with The Archie Bray Foundation
In 2017 the winner of the Potclays New and Emerging Makers International Visiting Artist Award was Emily Waugh (below) who will visit Archie Bray Foundation in the USA in 2020. Potclays who sponsor this award, were so impressed with the quality and standard of all the 2017 finalists, have generously agreed to support all four finalists over the next 12 months.
New and Emerging Makers International Visiting Artist Awards 2017:
L-R Becky Otter (Potclays), Emily Waugh (Winner), James Otter (Potclays)
2017 Emerging Makers Award Finalists (click on each name for more information):
Emily Waugh
Kate Haywood
Katherine Lees
Verity Howard
The 2015 winner was Lanty Ball and you can read about his residency at Archie Bray in his blog here: Lanty Ball Archie Bray residency 2016
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